Saturday, March 13, 2010

The New Covenant

Monday mornings are a special time. We rise at about 5:30 and clear an area on the living room floor where people can sit in a circle. At 6am we join our friends for bible study, meditation, prayer and discussions. Our children usually join the tribal sort of circle at about 7. At around 8 we make pancakes served with things like fruit, molasses and honey. What a beautiful way to start the week. Fortunately, my boss doesn't usually mind if I come in late Mondays.

Last Monday was an exception though. I got a call from work saying "we do not have any water." I rushed from the gathering, hoping that the water issue would somehow just get washed away. It did go away, eventually. With help from several employees we started to pull the submersible pump out of the well. WHY WAS IT PULLING SO HARD!!?? Well, that's a pretty deep subject. We pulled 365 feet of hose, wire and pump straight out of the ground (a couple of hundred feet of 1 inch thick pipe filled with water is pretty heavy, we found out) Eight hours later we installed the new pump, wire, etc. Funny, the new things I keep learning at 41.

Speaking of new, I've lately been taken up with the subject of God's final and new covenant with man. It seems that God has always operated with covenants, directed towards his children, in a specific geographical place. In the final covenant spoken of by the prophets, we were to get a new heart and a new spirit, and dwell in this mystical place of rest (Christ) This is what believe is the Promised Land, wherein God's covenant people, or family dwell. The covenant is sealed with Christ's blood, and we are promised to have this covenant written upon our hearts.
To me this has become a new and glorious topic. The new covenant is Truth, which Pilot could not understand, and asked Jesus about. I could go on and on with this. I put a writing about my understanding of the covenant on our Mighty Rivers home page, if anyone would like to comment or critique.

1 comment:

  1. Hey brother. Is the writing on the main page of your Mighty Rivers site? If so, I think I see it. Thanks for sharing and I will read it.
