Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wake up 'miah!

Bang, bang, bang...'miah, 'miah, 'miah!! It's the sound of my two year old with a plastic dvd case in each of her hands banging them hard against the child gate that keeps her out of the boy's bedroom. It's 6:30am am, she's topless, almost bottomless and trying to wake up the boys. I guess she wants to watch the John Bunyan story again. I couldn't guess why so early. It seems that when one child gets awake they don't want to be alone. They are quite happy with stampedes, the party spirit, etc.

I started the little wood heater in our living room now. I like the smell of burning locust wood or burning any wood for that matter. My niece said our family smells like smoke every since we moved into this wood heated domicile.

So I told her to hold off on the banging and let 'miah sleep a little longer. It's Sunday morning. I've been in my office writing 'n reading the Bible half the night. Last night we watched Esther the story of the Jewish lady who is selected by King of Persia to be Queen. Nasty kidnapping as it was, God sure had his hands in this selection too. Although Queen Esther had to conform to a lot of customs and rules that were not proper in Israel, she was greatly blessed. She wisely and modestly conceals her Jewish origin till the proper time, then delivers her own countrymen from certain destruction. Wow, you never know through what kind of situtuation God plans to work.

So, like more than a few evenings lately, the master bed is crowded with Momma and all our offspring cuddled with her, and not having the heart to be disruptive, I retire to the couch or office. That's OK, my thoughts are geared towards writing anyway. Right now I'm really overwhelmed by the subject of God's final covenant with man. I can scarcely believe that this promise, and the story of God's covenants, is only now settling deep into my heart.
I love Sundays. Till next time...

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